I Be Smilin’

Like, O.M.G.!

For reals though, I just hooked up my phone to my laptop and I can use internet this way! Oh thank heavens for this luxury called cell phones!

It took me a minute to find the network security key, and then when I did find it, it gave me “limited” access to the internet, but I couldn’t get on. Um, what the fuck. How is that limited if I cannot even get a web page to pull up? I restarted my phone, and here I am! I am so excited!

But seriously, I’m not just happy over this- although it is pretty damn spectacular. This is my second week back from vacation, and on Monday I overheard some big boss people commenting on my department, cosmetics, and was like “oh shit.” Granted, I’m a hard worker, but cosmetics was split just four months ago, but for a couple years had been run by the same person- and running two high volume departments is hard as shit. I know cosmetics has a ways to go, but it’s getting better, and looking better. Instock is far better than it was even just a month ago. But still…

So yeah, I heard them. But much to my surprise, they told me I was doing a good job. I think my feet didn’t touch the floor rest of the day, I was so elated. I don’t need praise all the time, but every once in awhile it was amazing to have your hard work be noticed, ya know?

Then today, I got my out of stock report, and my outs had gone down by over a hundred in less than a week! As my outs get filled, my manager will start backing off me. And she’s nice enough, but I’ll be so damn happy when she doesn’t have to talk to me every.single.day!

I have two rants I’d reallllly like to go on about, but I will save them. Mainly because this is a happy post, and the title wouldn’t fit if I begin bitching.

Manager Failing

Doing a good job at it.

So, a conversation I unintentionally eavesdropped on was several months ago. I was in the computer room at work, adjacent to the personnel office when my manager paged one of my co-workers back.

I had headphones on when they first began their talk, but I finished up soon after, but being, well me, I sat silently in my chair and listened to the end of their conversation.

My co-worker was ending her 90-day period at work, and had already called in 7 times. Well, at my job you’re not allowed to call in anymore than 3 times in 6 months before getting written up. So seven times in three months? Your first three months at that?

“You can’t be doing this,” my manager was saying. “You’re already over points.”

“But! But don’t get me in trouble, I need this job.”

Bitch please, if you did you’d bring your lazy ass to work.

“No more calling in or I’ll hafta write you up,” he says in response.


Soo…what the fuck? I called in five times in almost seven times and I get written up (I was genuinely sick, puking my guts out). I mean, I took the write-up without a word, because I did go over the points allotted. But, I was seriously pissed. When I think about it, I still am. The girl is still there, and has called in since then.

Why some people get away with this shit, I don’t know. And it’s not like she’s a good worker- she walks around for two hours doing nothing but texting.