Body image shaming/awareness| Featured Post

Meant to share this last week. And the fact she acknowledged that even skinny women get negative comments make me love this even more. I am pretty small, and I have gotten comments about needing to eat more, or eat a burger. That is just as rude as telling someone not to eat. I’ve also gotten teased about having skinny legs, small boobs, and a small butt (but I also have been told my legs are nice, my boobs are perfect, and my butt is small and firm). I don’t know what the perfect size is- and maybe this is a wild guess, but maybe there is no perfect size.
Body shaming needs to stop. And, as a side note, shaming people for a preference needs to stop. If a guy only finds skinny girls attractive, that’s fine. As long as there isn’t any disrespect or hate, having a preference is perfectly okay.

Annette's place

I have been hearing a whole lot of body image shaming and totally being unsupportive of each of our differences. It is not a new thing. None of it I know. But, I have a platform now and I am going to say a few words on these issues. First of all these issues are all one thing to me. It criticises the human body in some way. Come on people grow up! Embrace our differences! Do not let this divide us as a world into different classes of people. Here is a recent example that I am going to show you two different takes on. Body shaming:

Do we tell this person she is fat? As a whole I hope most of us do not. But, sadly remarks are made to this person about her weight. It is true. Shouldn’t the only person dealing with this medical issue be the patient…

View original post 348 more words

Unfaithful| Featured Post

I absolutely love this!

Musings of An Insomniac

The mud beneath my feet

And the scattered greens,

The lonely silence

Above the silent beings,

The shrieking of the wind

Echoing from within,

A little dripping drop,

Voicing a deafening ring,

Why did you leave?

Life above the ground.

Why did you go to live?

A life under this mound.

With every gush of air

That leaves my dry mouth,

I am left gasping

For breath even more

And I can hardly believe

That you’d leave me so,

But you were always unfaithful,

Loving the forest,

The seductress,

With her trees and vines

And tempting solitude,

While I pined away,

Putting all my affections

Into a box

With your name on it.

I now leave it by

The place that you rest,

In the bosom of your love,

Who shall spend eternity,

Showering your grave,

With her tears,

So you shall never be

In need of flowers,

To freshen…

View original post 35 more words

Old Fashioned| Featured Post

I love this, and it’s this week’s featured post. I really like where she says she wants a man who buys her a dress, flowers, takes her on a candlelit dinner- the old fashion stuff.
I want that, too, and I don’t think there’s any shame in that. Meanwhile, I do like the handcuffs, too. But, I also want to be more than a submissive sex slave. I want to be loved and respected and treated right. I want the sweet love-making, but I also want it rough sometimes.
Go check it out with an open mind. Old fashion doesn’t mean wrong by any means.

Please, use kind words

I have a new goal for this blog. Once a week, I want to pick a blog entry, or heck, even a blog I enjoy, and share it here. I may pick one post, or five. I don’t yet know.

And to start it off, I want to share this one from Mom’s Place of Sanity and here’s a part of it, but please, go check it out in its entirety.

Day 2: Write something that someone told you about yourself that you never forgot.

Okay, so this is not going to be about being told something positive. Growing up I got picked on via school, my so called friends and even family. I was always told “you’re fat”, “you’re ugly” & “oh my, I’m so worried about you cause the size you are”.

People have told me positive things, but they haven’t fully meant it, or it just didn’t mean much for me to remember.

It’s so easy to use words that are hurtful. It’s so hard to use kind words- and even be sincere when saying kind words. If you haven’t got kind words, and the hurtful words will serve no purpose, then please, just keep your mouth quiet. (Sometimes, if truth is being spoken, it may hurt, but calling someone “ugly” is an opinion, and something that doesn’t even need to be said.)

Don’t got somethin’ nice to say, don’t saying a’tall.