5 Year Journal| Day 74

List three things you have faith in.

  1. I have faith in God.
  2. I have faith in love.
  3. I have faith that if you just hang on, there is something to smile about.

Not everyone believes in God. And I’m not going to push on that someone, not my place. Whether or not you believe, that’s not up to me to make happen. I can’t force anyone to believe. Just as they can’t force me to not believe.

I respect other’s differing beliefs. But all too often, once someone knows how I feel, I’m automatically written off as some closed-minded bigot. And that makes me sad. Because clearly they don’t know about God. No, instead, they only know about the people who use God to be hateful. But God? He is a merciful, loving, forgiving God. He is also just.

But believing in God doesn’t make me an idiot, close-minded, or a bigot. Actually, even the Bible encourages you to seek things out, and not just take someone’s word for something. It makes me sad that people abuse God’s name, and turn others away from knowing Him.

Love. There’s more than one type of love. But to me, love is more than romance, although it seems that is what a lot of people equal it to. I don’t hear “love” and think boyfriend-girlfriend or marriage.

Love is more than just passionate feelings. It is sacrificial, forgiving. Love is hard to explain. Because sometimes you just love someone and you don’t know why.

I know some people have a hard life. But you can find something to smile about, I truly believe that. Maybe it’s returning a smile that someone gave you. Don’t let life’s hardships steal your smile.

Things I Believe

And I don’t care if you don’t.

It doesn’t change what I believe. I’m not going to force my beliefs down anyone’s throat.

1.     I believe in God. Okay, okay, I know. A huge amount of people believe in “God” or “a God”. Some people believe in a Higher Power- something or someone above us humans. I believe in God of the Bible. And I believe in His Son, Jesus. But I’m not going to try to convince someone to change their way of thinking/believing to match my own. I’ll respect you, you respect me.

I do have a problem with this “no God in schools” thing though. It is downright ridiculous. Not every school is the same, I’m not saying that. But there are kids who get sent home for praying at lunch, kids who get told they can’t sit off by themselves during meal time or break or free time, and have a Bible study. That group isn’t forcing anyone to participate, but yet they’re told they cannot have the meeting, or pray, or even open a Bible on school grounds because it might offend someone. Excuse me? Something will always offend someone. Get over it. Grow up.

Or if a kid wears a “Christian” shirt he gets sent home. Why? Are all graphic t’s not allowed? Ok, I understand. But graphic t’s are allowed and it’s censorship, and uncalled for.

Why is the public school system so intolerant of Christianity? I just don’t get it.

2.     I believe that YOU are in charge of your own happiness, and if you cannot reach some sort of peace/happiness while alone, you can never fully enter into a relationship and bring the best to the table. If you need someone to complete you, you’re lacking something. And if you’re lacking something, how can you really be your best for another person?

Happiness isn’t some destination you’re ever going to find, come to. Because happiness comes and goes. Happiness is a decision. It’s a decision just like commitment, contentment. You don’t reach the end of a long, hard road, and bam! Permanent happiness. That doesn’t happen. And you definitely won’t find it in someone else.

I’m not saying you won’t find someone who thrills you beyond what you ever achieved on your own. Because I personally get extra happy when I’m with my family. Just being with them, lifts my spirits. But I do firmly believe you need to know how to be happy before you try to get into a serious relationship. You don’t wanna drain someone empty, drag them down. And that’s what will happen. If they are your source, they will get rundown.

3.     I believe people CAN change, but most don’t because it’s hard, and they feel it’s easier to go on living the same way then to truly put in the effort to change. Changing is not easy, it’s painful. And in general, we would rather cry at who we are, then change and be who we want. It ain’t easy even admitting we need to change. And then, once we actually confront ourselves and set about changing, we fail. We get discouraged. People learn of our shortcomings, and then we’re judged. “Oh well I thought you had changed” and other snide comments.

Yeah, it’s definitely easier to just stay the same.

But let me clarify- change for the good. Anybody can go from good to bad, but changing for the good is harder. Like this…he decided to try drugs, ya know what’s the harm? Then he gets hooked. Yeah, ya bet changing a drug habit around is harder than actually getting into that drug habit.

4.      I believe that abortion is taking a life. Actually, science, and even abortionists, will admit it. I have heard all the arguments for abortion, but none justify killing the new little person.

Rape? Wait, we now kill children for sins of the father?

High-risk? So…inducing labor and delivering a dead baby isn’t risky?

Ectopic? Touchy…but not the same. It’s not done to get rid of the baby. It’s done to save the mom’s life, and aborting the baby is the outcome. Intentionally killing a baby and doing it to save the mom’s life-not the same. And in most ectopic pregnancies, by the time the procedure is even done, the baby has died anyway.

Decided not to be a mom anymore? Um, right. Because that works so well for the parents who decide to kill their children.

And numerous other reasons. I just cannot justify abortion. I know other people can, and will. I know I will be judged and ridiculed for my belief on this, but I just don’t care.

I actually have a friend who I just recently learned is pro-choice…sometimes. We talked, shared our reasons. And neither of us got pissed, or thought less of another. Just two people with a differing view. OMG! It happens.

5.     I believe that when you’re depressed, you need to avoid depressing pictures, music, quotes, movies- all that depressing jazz. It only makes it worse, and that’s not healthy. It’s okay to be depressed for a little while, but don’t wallow, and get stuck. Find the silver lining, and learn to smile again. You are special.


Okay, there ya go. Five things I believe. A long post, so I hope you managed to get through it…I do enjoy learning others viewpoints, so don’t be shy. Be respectful, but don’t be shy. I’m not one to get angry if you don’t see my point of view, so if you have something to say, I’ll read!

Words of Wisdom

Words to live by.

Is a faith without action a sincere faith? a quote by Jean Racine.

I honestly never even heard of Jean Racine, that I can recall. I was skipping through one of my old notebooks, and found this quote written out on an otherwise empty page.

The words seemed to jump at me, and I was left speechless. I grew up in a Christian home. I tried to be Christ-like- loving, caring, forgiving. I read my Bible, I prayed.

And then my baby brother died, and I was left numb. My prayers seemed unanswered. My Bible lost its appeal. Yet, for another 4-5 years, I kept the title of Christian, I kept pretending I felt the same. In hopes, everything turned back to normal. But does life ever go back to normal after the death of a loved one? Or do you simply learn a new normal?

My faith was no longer sincere. And without the sincerity behind it, I grew lost. And then I found sex and alcohol. And God seems further away than ever.

I honestly don’t care what others believe, what path they find. But this quote holds true- no matter what “faith” one has, if there is no action, how sincere is it?

In Christianity, acts do not save you, it’s by faith. But because of your faith, actions follow. I think in some religions, acts save you. And that’s fine, I’m not here trying to tell anyone what to believe. Rather, my question is the same as Racine’s question, “is a faith without action a sincere faith?”

It can be applied to love, too. “Is a love without action a sincere love?”

And there’s my rambling thoughts of challenge number nine, post some words of wisdom that speak to you